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The further sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and Holy Communion, are celebrated from the ages of 7 years and upwards where the family and young person show real commitemtn and a willingness to grown in faith. They are grace-filled sacraments, NOT just rights of coming of age or part of the school curriculum, but within our Parish and school cooperation in additional formation. Parents are also expected to come to sessions and learn with their children. If a child is not in a Catholic school, additional classes are also provided.


All enquiries, please talk to Fr. Michael.



If one or both of a couple is Catholic and both are free to marry in the Catholic Church we are very happy to talk about possible plans, preferably at least 6 months in advance. We will need information about your Baptism and Confirmation and first you will meet with Fr. Michael to fill out forms and start talking about your plans. Between 9-12 months in advance you will also need to approach the Registrars about your plans. We can marry in the Church with authority delegated by the Registrars to Fr. Michael, but the process takes some time, and it is essential that the blue forms giving that permission are with him at least two weeks before the wedding.


Marriage preparation is given by Marriage Care, on days with other couples held here at St Joseph’s and other churches around the area. You will also meet with Fr. Michael to talk more about the meaning of Marriage as the Church understands it, and to plan your wedding in more detail.



Baptism is the first Sacrament of Initiation, and in believing Catholic families, it is a gift to give to a new member of the family A way to open up Christian life to them and bring them into the family of the Church. Please come along to Mass and introduce yourselves and your new child, and we will find a form and ask you to get some basic details down. Christine, one of out catechists, will arange a time with you for a preperation session, at her home or yours, and when a date is fixed, we will also arrange a short practice so that you are confident about what you will be doing and saying. Baptisms are sometimes celebrated during Mass, but more usually at 12:30pm on Sundays. Of course, some people are not baptised as infants, so you may be coming along as an enquirer seeking baptism as a child, teenager, or adult. More preparations is needed and a real commitment and practice of faith is expected before we can ask permission from the diocese to baptise you. Adults follow the RCIA course for at least 6 months and are usually baptised at Easter. In a real emergency, anyone can baptise, but in other less urgent but exceptional circumstances, the preperation can be varied. Please contact Fr. Michael with all enquiries.

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